Why You're Breathing Wrong – And How to Correct It

9 min read — 05/22/24

Why You're Breathing Wrong – And How to Correct It

9 min read — 05/22/24

Learn to recognize the signs of dysfunctional breathing and follow five practical steps to enhance your breathing, promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall health. Discover how Open's 14-day Mental Detox program can guide you in mastering the art of breathing well, helping you achieve greater clarity, energy, and better sleep.

Key takeaways

  • Suboptimal breathing habits, like chronic mouth breathing, can profoundly affect our well-being.
  • Controlled breathing techniques can enhance lung capacity, oxygen uptake, and respiratory function.
  • Mental Detox is designed to re-introduce the lost art of breathing well with guided breathwork practice.

Breathing, the most fundamental function of life, is something we’re never educated on. It's easy to develop suboptimal habits like shallow chest breathing or chronic mouth breathing without realizing it. However, these habits can profoundly affect our well-being. Thankfully, it’s never too late to reverse problematic breathing habits through regular breathwork practice. This process is effective and empowering, putting you in control of your health and wellness. Read on to learn how to start breathing better with the help of Open’s Mental Detox program. 

The Lost Art of Breathing Well

The evolution of the human brain has been a double-edged sword when it comes to breathing. As our prefrontal cortex expanded over millennia, it reshaped our craniofacial structure, leaving us with narrower airways than our ancestors. This constriction makes breathing harder, contributing to the prevalence of dysfunctional breathing in modern humans.

Dysfunctional breathing stems from poor breathing patterns. It can disturb sleep, reduce oxygen levels, increase the risk of respiratory infections, and exacerbate various other issues. 

Signs of dysfunctional breathing include: 

  • Breathing through the mouth  
  • Breathing concentrated in the upper chest/shoulders
  • Audible breath, even at rest
  • Rapid, shallow breaths
  • Frequent yawning or sighing

Regular breathwork practice can help break the cycle of dysfunctional breathing. Controlled breathing techniques can enhance lung capacity, oxygen uptake, and respiratory function. This promotes physical health by supporting cardiovascular endurance and immune function and contributes to a sense of vitality and energy.

Five Steps to Enhance Your Breath

Incorporating these five steps into your daily routine can help reverse dysfunctional breathing habits while promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being. Remember that breathwork is a practice that evolves over time, so be patient and consistent in your efforts to cultivate healthy breathing habits.

1. Become Aware 

Enhancing your breath begins with awareness. Take a moment to observe your breathing patterns throughout the day. Notice how your breath changes in response to different situations, emotions, and activities. Are you breathing shallowly or deeply? Are you primarily breathing through your nose or mouth? Becoming aware of these nuances can help you identify areas for improvement in your breathing habits.

2. Use Your Nose 

Getting in the habit of breathing through your nose and not your mouth is a powerful tool for enhancing breath quality. When you breathe through your nose, the air passes through the nasal passages, where it is filtered, warmed, and humidified before reaching your lungs. This process helps remove impurities from the air and releases nitric oxide, a vasodilator that improves oxygen uptake in the blood. Additionally, nasal breathing naturally slows down your breath rate, allowing for deeper and more diaphragmatic breathing.

3. Breathe Lightly

Incorporating the concept of light breathing, as seen in Taoist practices, can help promote a sense of relaxation and ease. Light breathing is a gentle, subtle breath that doesn't disturb the delicate hairs inside your nose. Close your eyes and visualize your breath flowing effortlessly and naturally as you inane and exhale. This type of breathing maximizes oxygen delivery to your cells, which can help you feel more awake, focused, and productive throughout the day. 

4. Breathe Slow

The ancient yogis recognized the profound benefits of slow breathing for overall health and longevity. Slowing your breath rate can synchronize your respiration with your circulation, optimizing oxygen absorption and distribution throughout your body. Aim for an inhalation and exhalation cycle of around 5.5 seconds each, maintaining a smooth and steady rhythm. This deliberate pace encourages relaxation, reduces stress, and supports a balanced nervous system.

5. Breathe Deep

Deep breathing, particularly diaphragmatic breathing, is a cornerstone of breath enhancement techniques. To practice diaphragmatic breathing, focus on inhaling deeply into your abdomen, allowing it to expand fully. Feel your lower ribs expand outward in a 360-degree arc, creating space for your lungs to fill with air. As you exhale, allow the abdomen to deflate, releasing tension or tightness naturally. This conscious control of the diaphragm promotes deeper, more efficient breathing and helps to relax the neck and shoulders, alleviating upper body tension often associated with shallow breathing patterns.

Join Mental Detox: 14-Day Breathwork Program

Mental Detox is designed to re-introduce the lost art of breathing well, so you can reduce stress, increase energy levels, promote clarity, and improve sleep. The 14-day program progresses through four core stages: Focus, Regulate, Activate, and Breakthrough. 

  • Focus: Learn grounding techniques to balance the nervous system and achieve a calming sense of alertness. This stage is designed to help you become more aware of your breath and its connection to your mental and physical state. 
  • Regulate: Practice down-regulation breathwork techniques to calm the nervous system and prepare the body for rest and recovery. 
  • Activate: Generate heat within the body, expand lung capacity, and refine the body’s stress response.
  • Breakthrough: Step into the territory of self-exploration, where you’ll learn advanced techniques that can lead to profound emotional release. 

Throughout Mental Detox, you’ll be guided through simple yet powerful breathwork techniques to clear your mind, regulate your nervous system, and improve your organ functioning. Designed for all levels.